Radiant Compiler

To compile Python applications into Android packages (APKs), you’ll need to have the necessary development environment set up on your machine. One way to do this is to pull the image with the environment for python-for-android, which includes the Android NDK and the SDK needed for compilation. Once you have this environment set up, you can use Radiant Compiler, a Python module that allows you to compile Python projects into APKs. Radiant Compiler comes with a powerful tool called p4a (Python for Android), which provides a lot of control over the build process, allowing you to specify the architecture and other options for the APK file. With these tools, you can easily compile your Python applications into APKs that can be installed on Android devices.

Getting Started

To use Radiant Compiler, you’ll need to install it and set up a Docker container with the necessary dependencies. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Install Radiant Compiler with pip:

pip install radiant-compiler
  1. Pull the Docker container:

docker pull dunderlab/radiant_p4a:latest
  1. Use the radiant_p4a command to run p4a inside the container:

radiant_p4a apk --arch arm64-v8a

Software versions included in the image


This is the default configuration for Radiant Compiler, specifying the versions of various tools and APIs used in the build process. The NDK_VERSION is r26b, the Android NDK version for compilation. The SDK_VERSION is 10406996_latest, the Android SDK version for APK file building. The JAVA_VERSION remains jdk17-openjdk, the Java version for compiling Python code. Both NDKAPI and ANDROIDAPI are set to 30, the Android API versions for NDK compilation and APK building, respectively. Lastly, the BUILDTOOL version is 34.0.0, indicating the build tool version for the APK file.


It is possible to use radiant_p4a to configure two types of projects: Django and Brython.

Documentation Overview

Code Reference