Automatic Build with GitHub Workflow

It’s possible to automate the generation of SDK files using GitHub Workflows. For practical demonstrations, please refer to these examples to see it in action.


This workflow is titled “Radiant Compilation Process” and is specifically designed to automate the compilation of APK files using a tool called Radiant-Compiler.

[ ]:
# .github/workflows

name: Radiant Compilation Process

  workflow_dispatch:  # Allows manual trigger of the workflow
  push:               # Triggers the workflow on every push to the repository

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: Checkout Repository
      uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Install Radiant-Compiler
      run: |
        pip install radiant-compiler

    - name: Execute Command in Docker Container
      run: |
        docker pull dunderlab/radiant_p4a:latest
        echo "*.pyc" > blacklist.txt
        echo "sqlite3/*" >> whitelist.txt
        echo "lib-dynload/" >> whitelist.txt
        echo "*.py" >> whitelist.txt
        radiant_p4a apk --arch arm64-v8a

    - name: Upload APKs as Artifacts
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
        name: generated-apks
        path: ./*.apk


  1. Workflow Dispatch: This trigger allows the workflow to be manually initiated from the GitHub UI. It’s useful for ad-hoc runs or testing.

  2. Push Event: The workflow is automatically triggered on every push to the repository. This ensures that any changes made to the codebase are immediately reflected in the compiled APKs.

Job: compile-apk

This job is responsible for the actual compilation process.

  • Environment: Runs on the latest Ubuntu virtual environment provided by GitHub Actions.

  • Steps:

    1. Checkout Repository: Uses the actions/checkout@v4 action to clone the repository into the GitHub Actions runner, making the codebase available for subsequent steps.

    2. Install Radiant-Compiler: Executes a command to install the Radiant-Compiler using pip. This tool is essential for compiling the APKs.

    3. Execute Command in Docker Container:

      • Pulls the latest radiant_p4a Docker image from dunderlab/radiant_p4a.

      • Creates a blacklist and whitelist for file selection, optimizing the build process.

      • Executes the Radiant-Compiler inside the Docker container to compile the APK, targeting the arm64-v8a architecture.

    4. Upload APKs as Artifacts:

      • Utilizes the actions/upload-artifact@v4 action.

      • Artifacts named generated-apks are created, containing all APK files generated in the workflow.

      • These APKs are stored as artifacts on GitHub, making them easily accessible for testing or deployment.

This workflow is a robust solution for automating the APK compilation process, ensuring consistency and efficiency in the build pipeline.

Django configuration

Django projects require a file that uses radiant.compiler.server as a specialized server for Android.

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import sys
import os
from radiant.compiler import server

server.main("test_project", ip='localhost', port=5000)